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Heroin withdrawal is nothing less than a living nightmare. And people who are suffering from heroin withdrawal know that better than anyone. It’s what keeps them up, doing anything and everything they can to avoid heroin withdrawal. But as any kid with a ball knows, what comes up, must come down. And the only way that you can avoid heroin withdrawal symptoms is with heroin detox and heroin rehab at Tampa Bay Recovery. Heroin withdrawal symptoms can be scary. But don’t let that make you fear the solution. Heroin rehab and heroin detox is the only way to stop heroin withdrawal symptoms for good. And in this blog, we’re going to teach you exactly how to get from heroin addiction to heroin rehab.

Don’t have time? It’s OK, just give us a call to get heroin rehab today!

Tampa Bay Recovery Center has the heroin rehab that you need to get help that you need. Heroin withdrawal symptoms are scary. And if you are dealing with heroin addiction, you already know what they are and you already know how bad they are.

So why wait? Just give us a call at (813) 733-8774. And we’ll help you start your recovery.

What is heroin? And how does it lead to heroin addiction?

If you’ve ever seen Pulp Fiction, you probably have a fairly good idea of what heroin is. But for those who’ve missed that All-American classic, heroin is a highly addictive opioid drug. Heroin is made from morphine, a natural substance extracted from the seed pod of certain poppy plants. It usually appears as a white or brown powder or a black, sticky substance commonly known as “black tar heroin.” Heroin can be injected, snorted, or smoked, and it rapidly enters the brain, where it binds to opioid receptors, producing intense feelings of euphoria and relaxation.

The slippery slide into heroin addiction. Or, why you need heroin detox and heroin rehab

Effects and Risks of heroin addiction

  • Short-Term Effects: Users often experience a “rush” of euphoria, followed by drowsiness, slowed breathing, and clouded mental function.
  • Long-Term Effects: Chronic use can lead to tolerance, dependence, and addiction. It also increases the risk of various health issues, including respiratory depression, infectious diseases (from needle use), and collapsed veins.
  • Overdose: Heroin overdose can be fatal, often resulting in respiratory failure. Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an opioid overdose if administered in time.

After the high: Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

Heroin withdrawal symptoms can be intense and typically begin within a few hours to a day after the last dose. The severity and duration of withdrawal can vary depending on the individual’s level of dependence, the length of use, and the amount used. Here are common withdrawal symptoms associated with heroin:

Early heroin withdrawal symptoms (6-12 hours after last dose)

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation or restlessness
  • Muscle aches
  • Increased tearing
  • Runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Yawning
  • Insomnia

Subsequent heroin withdrawal symptoms (1-3 days after last dose)

  • Abdominal cramping
  • Diarrhea
  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Goosebumps
  • Chills
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • High blood pressure

Peak and Duration of heroin withdrawal symptoms without heroin detox

  • Peak Symptoms: Heroin Withdrawal symptoms usually peak around 24-48 hours after the last dose and can be very intense.
  • Duration: Acute heroin withdrawal symptoms often last about a week, but some psychological symptoms like anxiety, depression, and cravings can persist for months.

Avoiding heroin withdrawal symptoms with heroin rehab

Heroin rehab is pretty simple. It is nothing more or less than the process of safely removing heroin from the body while managing withdrawal symptoms. Detoxification is often the first step in treating heroin addiction, but it is crucial to approach it with medical support due to the intensity and risks associated with withdrawal. The goal is to stabilize the individual and prepare them for ongoing addiction treatment.

Medically Supervised Heroin Detox in heroin rehab

Inpatient Detox: At facilities like Tampa Bay Recovery Center, heroin detox is often performed in a hospital or specialized detox center where medical professionals can monitor and manage withdrawal symptoms around the clock. This setting ensures a safe environment, reducing the risk of complications such as dehydration or severe distress

Medications Used in Heroin rehab

Several medications can be used to help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings:

  1. Methadone: A long-acting opioid agonist that helps alleviate withdrawal symptoms without producing the same high as heroin. It is administered under medical supervision and can be gradually tapered off.
  2. Buprenorphine: A partial opioid agonist that binds to the same receptors as heroin, reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings with a lower risk of abuse. It can be combined with naloxone (as in Suboxone) to prevent misuse.
  3. Clonidine: A non-opioid medication that can help reduce some withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, agitation, muscle aches, and sweating.
  4. Naltrexone: An opioid antagonist that blocks the effects of heroin, helping to prevent relapse. However, it is typically used after detox is complete to maintain long-term recovery.

The Heroin rehab process

  1. Assessment: Before starting detox, at Tampa Bay Recovery Center conduct a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s health, addiction history, and psychological state to create a tailored heroin rehab plan.
  2. Stabilization: During this phase, medications are administered to manage withdrawal symptoms and stabilize the patient. This phase can last anywhere from a few days to a week, depending on the severity of the addiction.
  3. Transition to Treatment: Detox alone does not address the psychological aspects of addiction. After detox, individuals are encouraged to continue treatment through therapy, counseling, support groups, and, if necessary, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.

Importance of Detox in Heroin rehab

Heroin detox is an essential first step in the recovery process, but it is not a standalone solution. Comprehensive addiction treatment involves addressing the psychological, social, and behavioral aspects of addiction. Detox provides a foundation by helping individuals overcome the physical dependence on heroin, making them more receptive to further treatment interventions like counseling and behavioral therapy.

How to get heroin rehab at Tampa Bay Recovery

It’s easy to get heroin rehab at Tampa Bay Recovery. All it takes is a single phone call to (813) 733-8774. We’re equipped to handle the worst of heroin withdrawal symptoms and we’re equipped with the heroin rehab that you need to start the recovery that you deserve.

It’s time to give us a call. Please do. We’re waiting to help you.

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