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Medically Reviewed

Medically reviewed by Jennifer Strong, LMHC

Written by Tampa Bay Recovery staff
Updated on August 13, 2023


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The use of kratom has become more widespread in the U.S. over the past several years. This drug can become addictive and create a need for attending a quality kratom rehab program. Tampa Bay Recovery provides a well-structured plan that includes multiple types of therapy modalities. We zero in on the physical and emotional needs of those seeking to become sober. This type of focused care helps people quit using kratom and enjoy a healthy new outlook on life.

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is a drug that has begun to make the news more often as use of it increases in the U.S. It originates in Southeast Asia and is manufactured using the leaves of a local tree called mitragyna speciosa. Its original use was intended to treat medical ailments such as pain, coughing, diarrhea, and exhaustion. Others use it for its stimulant effect in order to increase their energy, similar to Adderall. Street names for kratom include ketum, biak, thang, and kakuam.

Once kratom became available in this country, it started to become used for its stimulant effects. People use it recreationally in order to stay awake longer and have more energy. It also helps some people feel more comfortable in social situations. This makes it a popular new choice for those looking to enjoy a more active social life or increase their energy levels for things like studying. When someone uses larger levels of kratom, they may feel euphoric or even sedated.

At this time, kratom is legal, but the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) currently classifies it as a drug of concern. This means it may be reclassified as illegal in the future. At this point, the DEA warns people against using the drug. For some, this warning comes too late because they have already developed an addiction. Once this happens, the individual will need to find help at a professional kratom rehab facility.


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Signs of Kratom Addiction

While signs of kratom addiction can vary per person, common ones do exist. Someone concerned that they or someone they care about may need kratom rehab should look for the following signs of addiction:

  • Excessive energy
  • Lack of adequate sleep
  • Sleeping too much
  • State of sedation
  • Itchy skin
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Sweating
  • Experiencing hallucinations

Kratom Withdrawal Symptoms

When a person develops an addiction to kratom and then goes off the drug, they likely will experience withdrawal symptoms. These may include the following:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Chills
  • Sweating
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Muscle and body aches
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Cravings to use Kratom
Most people who attempt to quit using any type of drug they have been abusing without receiving professional help end up relapsing. This typically has to do with being unable to withstand the often uncomfortable or painful withdrawal symptoms. A qualified kratom rehab can provide relief that minimizes or eliminates many of these symptoms.

Kratom Withdrawal Timeline

6 – 12 Hours After Last Use

Typically, kratom withdrawal symptoms can begin about six to 12 hours after last taking kratom. When a person is coming down from a kratom high, they can begin to experience some anxiety or depression. During the first six to 12 hours of withdrawal, someone may also begin to feel cravings, especially if they have developed a tolerance, a psychological, and physical addiction to this drug. Tolerance happens when someone needs more of the drug to feel the same euphoric effects they initially experienced.

2 – 3 Days After Last Use

After coming down from a user’s last high, someone will begin to feel physical withdrawal symptoms. Most of these symptoms can generally include aches and pains, irritability, anxiety, sweating, flu-like symptoms, and restlessness. During this phase of the detox process, someone may begin to feel strong cravings to use kratom to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms.

3 – 5 Days After Last Use

The third to fifth days often feel like the most challenging because the symptoms peak during this period. The most common symptoms during this time are nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains, and vomiting. During this time, it’s important to be under the care of a medical provider to ensure you continue to remain medically stable. In addition, diarrhea and vomiting during the detox process can cause an imbalance in electrolytes and dehydration. The intensity of the withdrawal symptoms depends on the individual person, how long they’ve been abusing kratom, and what dosages they usually ingest.

6 – 7 Days After Last Use


Peak symptoms begin disappearing after a few days, however, milder symptoms can still remain. It’s important to also remember that once the kratom detox process is over, they will have lost the tolerance they built up from using kratom. If an individual returns to kratom use and uses the same dosage, kratom overdose can occur.

Ready to Escape Addiction? Let's get Started

Tampa Bay Recovery Center is a premier leader in the provision of addiction treatment services. If you or someone you love is in need of professional care to address a substance use disorder, reach out to us right now at (813) 733-8774 to speak with an admissions specialist who can get you started on the road to recovery.

Kratom Rehab Options at Tampa Bay Recovery Center

When someone reaches the point that they are addicted to kratom, they need to receive focused addiction care at a kratom rehab. Some people attend residential programs and live in a facility instead of their homes while getting help. For others, outpatient programs provide the specialty care they need while still allowing them to live in their homes after a detox or residential treatment center. Alternatively, they may temporarily reside in a sober living home while attending outpatient treatment.

Outpatient rehab consists of different levels of care. An initial assessment of each person helps the treatment center’s staff determine which program best suits their needs. The types of outpatient rehab for kratom addiction include:

Virtual IOP Program: A Virtual IOP receives care from addiction experts through a virtual experience using telehealth platforms.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP): The mid-level of outpatient care, IOP requires attendance for a few hours per day each weekday.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP): The most structured of the outpatient plans, PHP requires the person to attend sessions five hours per day each weekday. Treatment is similar to that of residential care without requiring the person to stay overnight and on weekends.

Overcome Addiction with evidence-based, expert care.

Find Kratom Rehab in Tampa Bay

Have you developed an addiction to kratom or know someone who has? This drug may not be well-known to everyone but it can cause damage to a person’s physical and mental health.

Tampa Bay Recovery provides a quality kratom rehab program that includes multiple levels of care. Our staff of addiction experts understands the damage kratom can cause and how to help people leave their addiction behind. We not only treat substance use disorders but also work with people who struggle with mental health disorders. 

If you are ready to kick your kratom addiction, visit our admissions page today. We can answer all of your questions and show you how to get help starting today.

Our Philosophy

We believe that getting help for substance use disorders is about much more than just trying to get through another day of not drinking or using drugs. Our mission is to help people reclaim their lives by teaching them how to effectively deal with the stress, trauma, and anxiety that contribute to their addictions. 

Meet Our Team

Our staff has over 60 years of combined experience in treating behavioral health disorders. Our compassionate and empathetic approach has helped hundreds.