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Medically Reviewed

Medically reviewed by Jennifer Strong, LMHC

Written by Tampa Bay Recovery staff
Updated on April 16, 2024

Medically Reviewed

Medically reviewed by Jennifer Strong, LMHC

Written by Tampa Bay Recovery staff
Updated on April 16, 2024


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Mental Health Treatment in Tampa Bay

It’s time to put your health first. Call us right now to learn how we can help you overcome your mental health disorder for good and create a new life of possibility

Depression colors every aspect of a person’s life and makes even simple tasks difficult to complete. When someone needs help for this debilitating mental illness, they often find it hard to muster the energy to look for help. Tampa Bay Recovery makes it easy to begin our depression treatment in Tampa Bay.

We teach effective coping skills to help people rise above their depressive feelings and begin to feel more like their old selves again. Our outpatient treatment programs allow each person to achieve a balance of both attending vital therapy sessions and still having time to tend to their personal lives.

What Is Depression Like?

Depression is a mood disorder that falls under the heading of a mental health disorder. It causes a person to persistently feel depressed, sad, and hopeless. It is not something they can snap out of or just try to ignore.

Depression impacts a person’s mental and physical health, and it can affect their loved ones who often don’t know how to help them. Someone who experiences long-term depression finds it keeps them from living up to their potential at work, in school, and in making plans for a bright future. For some, it becomes difficult just to get out of bed or leave their home. Untreated depression can cause a person to become suicidal. 

Depression has become more widespread since the pandemic, with more than 18% of adults reporting they are depressed or have received treatment for depression. In fact, almost 30% of adults have been clinically diagnosed with depression during their lives, making it a mental illness that impacts many lives.


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Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Sometimes a person suspects they may need depression treatment but aren’t sure how to recognize the signs of the illness. Common signs of having depression include:

  • Constantly feeling sad and hopeless
  • Unable to get excited about current activities or the future
  • Isolating from others
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Withdrawing from favorite hobbies and pastimes
  • Changes in weight or appetite
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Suicidal thoughts 
  • Abusing drugs or alcohol to cope with feelings of depression

Ready to Treat Your Depression? Let's get Started

Tampa Bay Recovery Center is a premier leader in the provision of mental health and addiction treatment services. If you or someone you love needs professional care to address a mental health or substance use disorder, reach out to us right now at (813) 733-8774 to speak with an admissions specialist who can get you started on the road to recovery.

What Causes Depression?

A person can develop depression for a variety of reasons. Genetics can play a part because people who have a family history of mental health disorders have increased chances of developing one, including depression.

Some people have an imbalance in chemicals in their brains called neurotransmitters that trigger depression. For others, abnormalities in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex have been linked to developing depression.

Depression can come about as a result of a person having experienced stressful events in the past, such as childhood trauma, abuse, loss of a loved one, or mistreatment. Some of the events may be ongoing, like work-related stress, financial problems, and relationship difficulties. These situations can cause psychological issues, like low self-esteem, pessimism, and ruminating on negative thoughts.

In addition, having a chronic medical condition or going through a long-term illness can trigger depression.

Finally, someone who abuses drugs or alcohol may develop depression as a result. Furthermore, co-occurring substance abuse complicates treatment. Regardless of the cause of depression, professional treatment can help people minimize their symptoms and even overcome the illness completely.

infographic: causes of depression

How We Treat Depression in Tampa Bay

Depression treatment in Tampa Bay consists of using more than one approach. We offer outpatient programs that require a person to travel to our facility for their treatment sessions, but they do not live on-site. This allows them to return home after the day’s appointments. We have three levels of care that include regular outpatient programs (OP), intensive outpatient programs (IOP), and partial hospitalization programs (PHP). Our IOP sessions are offered during the daytime and evening, and some can be attended virtually.

We include options for multiple types of therapy that assist people in minimizing or overcoming their symptoms of depression. Therapy modalities include:

We also provide people with access to any necessary psychiatric medications that help alleviate the symptoms of depression.

Overcome Depression with evidence-based, expert care.

Benefits of Depression Treatment in Tampa Bay

Those who have not completed depression treatment in Tampa Bay often don’t know the specifics of how this sort of program can help them with their illness. The benefits of seeking treatment for depression include:

  • Developing coping skills to help resolve issues without turning to feeling sad
  • The ability to handle stress in effective ways
  • Experiencing an even keel of emotions, including happiness and hope
  • Being able to participate fully in relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners
  • Doing well at work or in school
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Regaining the ability to enjoy hobbies and pastimes

Find Depression Treatment in Tampa Bay Today

Have you reached the point where your depression is out of control and you want to find the right approach to help you overcome it? Tampa Bay Recovery created a program for depression treatment in Tampa Bay that helps people find the joy in living again. We employ a highly experienced staff of therapists and other mental health experts who use their skills to lift you out of your depression. We also offer access to prescription medications that help alleviate your symptoms. 

Are you interested in knowing more about how we can help you overcome depression? Visit our admissions page now for more information.

Our Philosophy

We believe that getting help for substance use disorders is about much more than just trying to get through another day of not drinking or using drugs. Our mission is to help people reclaim their lives by teaching them how to effectively deal with the stress, trauma, and anxiety that contribute to their addictions. 

Meet Our Team

Our staff has over 60 years of combined experience in treating behavioral health disorders. Our compassionate and empathetic approach has helped hundreds.