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When someone takes on a life partner, they want to see them thrive in life and be healthy and happy. Sadly, sometimes life heads in the wrong direction when alcohol addiction becomes a problem. If you are wondering about “How to help my alcoholic husband”, Tampa Bay Recovery Center can help. We can show your husband they need professional treatment for a medical condition and then deliver it to them in a timely manner. We help him through the early stages of sobriety and help set him up to return to the man you love with a bright future ahead of him.

Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

Alcoholism comes with certain indicators that may be recognized easily by some people, while others may not be sure of how serious things have become. It can be particularly difficult when someone tries to see if they or someone they love is in danger. How to help your alcoholic husband begins with knowing how to recognize his condition and be able to point out specifics about it to him.

Common signs and symptoms of alcoholism include:

  • Having multiple hangovers
  • Drinking to try to “cure” a hangover
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Tremors
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Red coloration of the nose and facial skin
  • Slurred speech
  • Difficulty with coordination
  • Blackouts when drunk

Additionally, people can experience signs of mental illness disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Along with that, many people with an alcohol use disorder find their relationships with loved ones suffer. They may also experience trouble at work or in school related to their drinking.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Helping Your Alcoholic Husband

Trying to figure out how to help your alcoholic husband can be scary and frustrating. Keep in mind that you have more options than you might know about. Start with some basic Do’s and Don’ts:

Do Learn About Addiction: Alcohol addiction is a disease of the brain and cannot be cured on its own. It is classified as a primary, chronic, progressive disease that can also become fatal. 

Do Learn How Treatment Works: If you have insurance, contact your company to see what options they have for receiving treatment. Learn the options in a way that allows you to explain them to your husband. When you both know the steps involved and how much help is available, it can make admitting to an alcohol rehab in Tampa seem much more achievable.

Do Not Offer Excuses: As out of control as your husband may seem, he ultimately is responsible for recognizing this and agreeing to get help. Do not offer excuses for his drinking or attempt to cover it up so others don’t know he’s in trouble. 

Do Not Neglect Yourself: Whether or not your husband seeks help for his alcohol addiction, you still need to take care of yourself. Look for support groups and consider attending therapy on your own in order to learn how to cope with your situation and make the decisions that are right for you and your family. 

Treatment Options For Your Husband

Several treatment options exist to help people move out of alcohol addiction and into sobriety. When wondering “How to help my alcoholic husband”, start with learning the options for him receiving professional care. Initial treatment begins with going to a detox program. From there, some people transition into residential care, which requires them to live in a facility for 30 days or more.

For those who don’t need that next level of care, outpatient programs can fit the bill. Options for this include:

Each program offers opportunities for different types of therapy modalities. An assessment will be made of every person, which allows for a choice in treatment options to be made that fits their unique needs. Common treatment services include individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy. Many programs also embrace other types of programs that help treat addiction and mental illness. These include holistic therapy, EMDR therapy, red light therapy, and medication-assisted treatment. 

How To Start a Conversation With Your Alcoholic Husband

A vital step in how to help my alcoholic husband involves starting an important conversation with him. Make sure you are both in a calm place and he is sober. Ask your husband to sit down with you and patiently explain to him you are concerned about his health and that you want to help him get help. Make it clear that your intent is not to attack him or blame him, but rather to be his partner and help him find the help he needs. 

Keep in mind he may not be open to the first attempt to have this conversation. Be open to having it more than once because often your partner will be more receptive after having some time to think about it. When possible, invite another person to help you talk to him calmly. This can include his parent, sibling, adult child, or close friend. Conversations can lead to action, especially if your husband feels like help is being offered, rather than that he is under attack.

Treatment For Alcohol Addiction in Tampa

Do you wonder “How to help my alcoholic husband”? It can be scary to watch the man you love struggle with addiction. While you may want to help rescue him, the fact is that alcohol addiction requires professional treatment. At Tampa Bay Recovery Center, our staff of experts provides compassionate, clinical care that helps people overcome their alcoholism. Our outpatient programs provide effective care that allows your husband to embrace sobriety now and in the future. 

Visit our admissions page now and find out how we can assist you. Help is within reach today.